
Rack inspection, service, repair: our range of services

Regular reviews of shelving are necessary for several reasons. From a technical standpoint, it's crucial to systematically ensure that shelf structures withstand daily loads. It's essential to promptly identify and eliminate potential weak points. This ensures the safe movement of your employees around the warehouse.

Additionally, the law requires such checks. As an employer, you are responsible for the work environment according to the Industrial Safety Decree.

We will help you fulfill these duties by conducting shelf inspections in accordance with DIN EN 15635 If repairs are necessary following the inspection, our team will perform them at a high professional level.


The process of checking our shelves


We conduct a free assessment
of your situation.


You will receive a proposal for conducting shelf inspections that comply with legislative requirements.


Inspection takes place without
interrupting operation.


A report is generated following the check with the findings.


We will submit a proposal for any necessary repair work.